Annie Rossi

Annie Rossi
Annie Rossi, Addicted Jeans Store for Men and Women, Owner.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


This Thursday evening, February 16, 2012 from 6 to 9PM & this Sunday, February 19, 2012 from 12 to 4PM, grab a friend and get discounts!

Bring up to three BFFs to Addicted Jeans Store and you and your friends will receive 10% off of your first items, 15% off of your second items, and 20% off of your third items!

Our BFF Parties are a great way to show off your favorite boutique
to your friends - PLUS GET DISCOUNTS for you both! EVEN VALID ON SALE ITEMS!

Would You Like To Receive a Complementary $50 Gift Card?
Host your own private BFF Party with a minimum of three BFFs and you'll receive
a complementary $50 gift card!

Private BFF Parties include customized refreshments tailored to your specialty and a staff of personal style consultants ready to help you and your friends get your fashion groove on!

Call 908-713-1134 to schedule, and we'll even help you customize!

Click here to find out more information on our BFF parties and other upcoming events!

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